Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Vow

I just saw a really good, feel good movie, "The Vow". It is a love story, and it's one of those movies that make you want to cherish every wonderful moment you have. Because all too often, we forget how fast, and quickly things can change.

Rachel McAdams is in the movie, and she is one of my favorite actresses.  She is inarguably beautiful and I always run to see the latest movies she is in. She possesses a sophisticated, classy, yet down to earth look. And portrays characters in a relatable way.

a rachel mcadams 4 Rachel McAdams looks stunning in InStyle Magazine (5 photos)rachel mcadams 0 Rachel McAdams looks stunning in InStyle Magazine (5 photos)Rachel McAdams

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Meet Sophia and Tayte

Well the last couple of weekends have been busy. However a couple of weekends ago I had the chance to meet a new addition to Jessica's family. Jessica and I have been friends for years, and let me tell you, her daughter Sophia is cute! My youngest niece was over and they got the chance to play. Tayte, however, my niece, did not warm up to Sophia at first. But soon enough they were sharing toys.

Aren't they so cuuutttteeee?!!!!

Congratulations Jessica!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Early February

It's February, and I have so many pending projects to complete. Our living room needs some work, and our bedroom is crying for some attention. I keep telling myself that it will be completed, before Spring? I'm thinking more like Summer. Here is to progress and completion this Spring.