Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Love Color

I always tend to gravitate towards color. I think color is always fun, and brings such an unexpected element, and it just brings you in to the area. Unless you're afraid of color. :) Which you shouldn't, because all I can say is that you're missing out.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

graduation season

All I can say is that a part of me is glad that the last two weeks are over. I was so busy going to my nephews and niece graduations. It's always makes me a bit sad to think that they are getting older. As they move further into adolescence, I think back to when I held them and they were babies.  Now they ask me questions about getting older, and what my sister was like in school. :)  And of course what kind of sports I played. I tell them that I was sort of the band/art geek. I don't think they are too impressed.

My sister and her family.